
Monday marks the 4th month of my return to World of Warcraft. So much has changed since I last logged on! Most of my activities in-game are just figuring out what has changed, remembering how to play, and getting used to having an in-game WoW life again. Since my last serious game log-in back in 2013 (and occasional visits through spring 2014), I’ve been enjoying the sights and sounds of Azeroth on my main and various alts on a daily basis.

Why return? Why now?

So many reasons! I’d always found the world of WoW to be an immersive escape from the daily indignities and grinds of everyday living. While the global pandemic has inspired me to give WoW a serious try again, I don’t think I’ve ever really left it. I’ve hung on to much of what I had learned (computer skillz) and the identification with the MMORPG-WoW gaming system, which is easily portable to other RPG games. WoW had given me what I needed when I went through my own medical crisis and recovery back in 2008. WoW’s pull on me, therefore, is a deeper, more visceral, more profound sort of sentimentality and fondness.

Then, there’s Shadowlands. When I left, Sylvanas Windrunner was the tragic leader of the Undead racial contingent of the Horde. While I was away, she became the Horde’s Warchief and committed genocide by burned down Teldrassil, killing thousands. Now, she has destroyed the Helm of Domination. Wut???? Oh and Alleria Windrunner’s back. Needless to say, I’ve got a lot to catch up on.

Even as I log on, set goals for my characters, keep notes on their achievements, and research quests, beasts, and other WoW thingies, I try to maintain as loose a grip as possible. Unlike last time. For all the positive things that WoW has given me through the years, it’s still just a game. It is a part of my life, not its entirety.

Tip: Bring your fiends to Azeroth, but don’t forget to go outside Azeroth with them as well.

Server outcast in South Korea rekindles WoW community

Server outcast in South Korea rekindles WoW community.

My email signature is from Philo of Alexandria, who said, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.” This takes on an immediate, game mechanics sense in WoW. We were all n00bs once upon a time. We all have a lot to learn from and teach to each other.

Victory for Sylvanas!

Fan art image of Sylvanas Windrunner
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner. Queen of the Forsaken. Former Ranger-General of Silvermoon and Defender of Quel’Thalas. Horde.

When I was a teen, I was fascinated by Medea, as Euripides characterized her. Revenge! Betrayal! Ok, there was murder most foul, too. But the white-hot rage of a shunned, underestimated woman capable of great power, heart, love, and loyalty was the real draw for me.

This explains why I am drawn to Sylvanas Windrunner as well. (And to Sarah Kerrigan, but she’s from a different Blizzard game.)

Tragedy fuels her determination. The dark inevitability of her demise does not stop her from achieving. Sure, her goals are to destroy, conquer, and terrorize but that’s not the point. The point is this–Sylvanas’ circumstances do not limit her. They set her free.

There’s more of course (Grief! Regret! Atonement!), and Sylvanas’ story continues.

Know Your Lore: Current Horde Politics–The Forsaken

Know Your Lore: Sylvanas Windrunner, part 1

Know Your Lore: Sylvanas Windrunner, part 2

WoWWiki: Sylvanas Windrunner

Wowpedia: Sylvanas Windrunner

Tyrande is my avatar

Image of Tyrande Whisperwind from Blizzard Entertainment
Tyrande Whisperwind, High Priestess of Elune and a leader of the Kaldorei. Alliance.

Wow. Five and a half years and 3 expansion packs have passed since I last posted to this blog. I’ve since graduated from SJSU-SLIS. I am now the outreach librarian at University of Redlands, a traditional four-year liberal arts college with some graduate programs geared to working adults. Some changes will be occurring as I update this blog.

I still play World of WarcraftMany people I know have moved on from it. Me, I am still very much enthralled by its vast universe, compelling characters, and captivating stories. I feel a great connection with the game and will likely stick with it till it closes down. This affection explains why I want to continue with this blog, too. Love and commitment.

My love endures and is expressed in my online presence. When asked who my heroes are in the fictional character category, I usually say Sylvanas Windrunner and Tyrande Whisperwind. I love the stories of both women. I also love their characterizations: their strengths, their spirits, their beauty, and their intelligence. But I love Tyrande’s blue hair more.

For more information on Tyrande Whisperwind:

Know Your Lore: Tyrande Whisperwind

WoWWiki: Tyrande Whisperwind

Wowpedia: Tyrande Whisperwind