Please pay no attention to the woman behind the keyboard…

Hello fair readers! It’s me, Melissa. Thank you for the comments you have left for Linnar. Right now I’m playing around with adding a page to the blog, which I would like to end up as a links page with meaningfully grouped links, much like a pathfinder, for those interested in learning more about WoWContinue reading “Please pay no attention to the woman behind the keyboard…”

Greetings from Darnassus!

Hello, my name is Linnar and I am your host on this blog. I am a Night Elf hunter from the city of Darnassus, situated in the boughs of Teldrassil, off the coast of the Kalimdor continent. As of this writing, I’m level 37. Unfortunately, my player has been busy with her library school classes,Continue reading “Greetings from Darnassus!”